GROK Online Instructions – A Virtual Empathy Game for One or Two People
Two people can sit in front of the same computer to play this game.  Alternatively, if you are in separate locations, Person A (Listener/Empathizer) is the Zoom host and clicks 'screen share' so Person B (Speaker) can view GROK Online.Observe how your body feels as you make these guesses. Do you feel more connection, understanding, clarity, or peacefulness? Notice Your ReactionsAbout GROK* the WORLDGROKtheWorld was designed in 2006 when two Nonviolent Communication (NVC) trainers combined their skills and talents to create games, booklets, and training materials that could help spread empathy skills worldwide. Our products have been translated into eight languages, and we continue to develop new offerings as the need arises. Please share any suggestions or feedback with us, walking in another person’s shoes helps us understand them better. By making empathy guesses about what they might be feeling and needing, you can gain clarity and connection before talking directly to them. Moving and Placing the CardsWe recommend starting with the 50-card FEELINGS and NEEDS decks. As you become more comfortable, you can explore the 70-card decks.Get Started: Familiarize Yourself with the CardsClick on the FEELINGS deck to reveal four FEELINGS cards on the right. Continue clicking to reveal more, progressing from 'uncomfortable' to 'comfortable' feelings. Once you’ve turned over all the cards, clicking on  ‘redeal’ will return all cards to the deck. Repeat this process with the NEEDS deck.Think of a situation—perhaps involving a relationship or conversation—that’s on your mind. Optionally, write it down in a brief statement.The Speaker describes a situation for which they’d like to receive empathy. Both Speaker and Listener look through the FEELINGS deck as the Listener opens them and together select all that fit the situation. Alternatively, the Listener can make feeling guesses as the cards are flipped, and the Speaker confirms which ones fit their situation. The Listener stacks the chosen cards on the left side of the Table below.If you went past a feelings or needs word in the stack and want to retrieve it, click on the ‘card search’ box at the top, type in the word and the card will appear. Make guesses about another person’s feelings using the FEELINGS cards. Prompts might include: “Maybe they’re feeling _____” or “I imagine they feel _____.” Move those feelings to the Table and stack them.Make guesses about their needs using the NEEDS cards. Prompts could be: “I wonder if ____ is important to them” or “Maybe they’re hoping for ____.” Move the needs to the table and stack them.  The Speaker reviews the FEELINGS cards and selects their top 5-8, while the Listener reorganizes the cards by stacking them on the left side of the Table. They then click on ‘redeal’ to remove the unused FEELINGS cards. Listener can put the extra unused cards in the Discard box.The Listener guesses the Speaker’s needs as they flip through the NEEDS cards. Guesses might sound like: “I’m wondering if you are needing ______?” The Speaker lets the Listener know if the guessed NEEDS card fits. Relevant cards are stacked on the right side of the Table.The Speaker reviews the NEEDS cards and selects their top 5-8. The Listener can rearrange the cards and discard the extras. The Speaker then can share how the experience was for them, along with any insights or learnings. There may or may not be a clear path forward, and the Speaker and Listener can brainstorm together to create a request of self or another. Click on the FEELINGS deck and drag the cards that resonate with your emotions to the Table below. Stack them on the left of the Table (to leave room for the NEEDS cards) so you can see the feeling words on each card. Choose your top 5-8 feelings and discard the rest to focus on what’s most important to you.Move to the NEEDS cards and ask yourself: “What’s important to me? What matters? What do I care about? What am I longing or hoping for?” Drag each chosen NEED card to the Table, stack them on the right side, and discard any unused ones.Spend some time focusing on your NEEDS cards, engaging in compassionate self-talk, and relaxing your body. Notice any actions or requests that come to mind. Sometimes, simply giving yourself empathy is all you need.Viewing the Cards:Identify Your SituationSpeaker's Role:Card Search:Feelings:Needs:Reviewing and Prioritizing:Guessing Needs:Final Reflection:Select Your FeelingsIdentify Your NeedsReflect and ConnectRestarting the Game:Now that you’re comfortable moving and placing cards, you’re ready to play! Clicking ‘restart’ will return all cards to the decks.Moving Cards to the Table:Click and drag a FEELING or NEEDS card to the Table below, or place it in the Discard box. You can stack cards on the Table to keep more cards visible.Empathy GuessesGame #1: Self-Empathy – "What Am I Feeling and Needing?" Game #2: Empathy – "What Are You Feeling and Needing?"Game #3: Empathy for Another Who Isn’t Present
We’re excited to offer you this virtual version of GROK. Whether you’re playing solo or with a partner, it is designed to inspire deeper clarity, empathy, and meaningful connection.  While we continue to offer our four varieties of boxed GROK games, this online platform allows you to experience GROK in a new, accessible way across the globe. (Please note: GROK Online is optimized for play on a computer and is not compatible with phones or tablets.) We hope you’ll enjoy experimenting with these simple steps and suggestions for using the FEELINGS and NEEDS cards. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the basics, we’d love to hear about any new ways you’ve discovered to play, as well as any feedback you have.            Feel free to reach out to us at And if you enjoy this online experience, consider purchasing one of our physical card games to play in person with family and friends!Welcome to GROK Online!
Setup for Two People
With warm regards, The GROKtheWORLD Team – With much appreciation to Arefin Huq, creator and designer of this online versionChristine, Mary, and Claire
When complete, Speaker may want to take a photo of the cards selected.Switch roles and play again as time and interest permits. If you are playing via Zoom, the Listener can invite the other person to co-host, who will then screen share GROK Online from their own computer.